Tuesday 1 May 2012

Tips On Finding Exploits

Earlier today the iDevTeam were discussing whether or not to release the iOS 5.1 A5 jailbreaking tool to the public, just like @Pod2g. We believe that the exploits found in iOS 5.1 will most probably be patched up if we/Pod2g release a tool to jailbreak iOS 5.1 on A5 devices.

BUT we have not come to a conclusion to release the tool or not.

On the contrary to this fiasco, the iDevTeam thought we should give some tips to those who want to become the coders of jailbreaks and founders of exploits. No one in the iDevTeam has a degree in something related to IT but we do have a craving for a fully customisable iDevice. We have all learnt from either the Internet or each other. So here are a few tips on how to become a jailbreaker:

• Have a Mac - Macs are great for any exploit finding. We used our Mac(s) to code and find user land/kernel land vulns.

• Read Mr Steffan Esser's work. Go through his presentations and use existing methods. (His presentation on iOS kernel exploitation is probably the most useful document we've ever come across in assisting us to find vulns. THANK YOU MR ESSER!!!)

• We also think having some knowledge in Xcode, Cydia and Mach-O binary is good. Reading the JailbreakWiki is a good start, look at some of Apple's Xcode tutorials and get to know the basics.

If you can find a hardware exploit you have found a pretty much unpatchable exploit until Apple change the hardware of a product.

We are a community. We want everyone to have a jailbroken device because that's what iDevices are actually for! If you become/want to become a dev let us know! Join out team and help liberate more iDevices!

Follow @Krpwned for day-to-day updates!

Have a great day,

The iDevTeam


  1. I would love to be on your guys team but it looks like as though I need to learn some coding a bit more I am not sure what Mach-0 Binary is but I know Binary. I also use Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 alot and Practice on the new Windows 8 OS a lot too. Contact Me at: flamingceltic@hotmail.com if you would consider using me as a beta tester or a Bug reporter. That would be great thanks and I wouldn't mind working for free for you guys at all. Devices: iPhone 4S, iPod Touch 4, iPad 2, iPad 3
    iOS: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.1

  2. I want to become a Dev so badly.

  3. So what was the conclusion, release it or not?

  4. BUT we have come to a conclusion to release the tool or not.

    So does this mean you are going to release it? Or not release it?

  5. Why would you consider not releasing a jailbreak!!! So many people are ripping their hair out of their heads for this jailbreak. You release it, your heroes. Period. (:
    @DAWS360 :)
